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Thread: [d20 Dune] Voice from the Outer World

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [d20 Dune] Voice from the Outer World

    The Star Searcher

    My correction of your misunderstanding is my forgiveness, Daniel," Juladia shrugs once and continues, “Usually I would not bother, allowing someone to believe that erred conclusion. But since I desire your trust and friendship, I think it best to be truthful at every opportunity.

    Pausing to acknowledge the waitress who brought her fresh tea, the witch adds, “You see, the sisterhood purposely fosters such beliefs among the general population of the Imperium. Indeed, most of those who offer their services to leaders of noble houses and other influential political and business leaders are Reverend Mothers. But in truth, most sisters who venture forth from Wallach IX are loyal Adepts.

    Lowering her voice a bit she sighs softly and admits, “In my case, I will very likely never have the opportunity to attempt the transformation into a Reverend Mother. I abandoned the sisterhood and left without permission, so the Mother Superior of the order officially banished me in the public record so I could not sully their reputation. Typically, I do not bother to explain, since I find it much simpler to allow people to believe their mistaken assumptions. Lady Jessica has always advised me to continue doing so, but the Duke and his trusted inner circle have always known the truth.

    After a sip of her tea, she says cheerfully, “So you possess a well-rounded skill set. That is excellent Daniel. I suspect that we will all come to rely on you heavily in this mission. Indeed, the skills we each possess will doubtless be important to our overall success, as projected by Thufir.
    Last edited by Gryndel; 2017-03-07 at 07:20 PM.
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