Quote Originally Posted by Zevox View Post
Also, something came up right after that which leaves me with so many questions. The part where the thing gets stuck on driving uphill (not even on that steep of a hill, frankly...), and then fixes it by toggling "six-wheel drive," which is apparently an upgrade you need to purchase. Um... what? Why on earth does your six-wheel tank not start with six-wheel drive? And why would it be a thing that you toggle - what reason would have to ever leave it off once you have it?? Are they really going to lock making this vehicle suck less than the Mako behind a bunch of busywork, just so that they can say you can upgrade it? Just... ugh, yeah. That kind of thing really makes my skepticism feel justified.
Well, it could be switching between speed and traction, sort of like drive settings in the car. On the other hand, we're already starting to automate this. A VI should be able to switch between traversal modes as needed to optimize performance. And one has to wonder why the APC for the most important operatives in the initiative doesn't come with such basic systems.