We open with...a very weird reference to the Kamatachi yokai, and the reveal that while he's a fairly vanilla guy, Gentle-Man doesn't kink shame. Good for him. He tried to solve this problem without violence.
Did like this bit as well. It were kinda refreshing that at least Gentle-Man would not just scream hentai and overreact in typical japanese fashion. It is really sad that his Quirk were not enough to cut it in the pro scene.

The three pervert opening kind of went over my head. I get it's a stock character type for Japanese manga but, I don't know. It just felt a bit weird to have gentleman chatting so casually with them. Knuckleduster was right to sock them, drugs or no. Maybe I'm getting too old to find panty snatching buffoons funny.
Well.. as a few others have pointed out then socking them one does absolutely nothing to stop their crime spree. And in attempting to stop a relatively minor crime (theft/harasment) then Knuckleduster perform a major one (violent assult).

Well I mean I also agree that she's a quote unquote prostitute. It's just that in Japan there is a specific type of "thing" school girls do with regards to dating older men for money. Sometimes it leads to the sex and sometimes they just wanna hang out with a cute girl. It's just kind of a Japanese thing, I just can't remember the name of it.'

It's definitely frowned upon, and showing that she does it kind of cements that yeah she's a "bad person" as far as their cultural lens is concerned.
Well.. the Japanese has so many other stupid cultural ideas. So i really dont see why i should allow this one to color my view of someone.
Though not like randomly drugging people is not bad enough.

Also, wonder if there are laws in place against quirk enhancement. Else i would think it would be easier to just pay test subjects.