Quote Originally Posted by lord_khaine View Post
Oh yeah, i do know about those, its just that as such i dont think of them as minor, just less prestigeous compared to Yuuei. At least quirkwise they did not seem that much weaker, and with all the competition we have been told takes place in the Hero world, then i cant believe their physical entry requirement are that lower.

Well.. are there that much aplications in his quirk? so far it mainly seems like he can move at the speed of a small scooter. But sadly so can someone with a bike.

As for Moonfish, then he is a very bad example. You cant talk about how the use matters than how strong it is, when your example has a really, really strong quirk. Moonfish were straight up shredding his way though a forest, thats not a weak quirk. Its just an absurd one.
I mean the idea is that Gentle-Man could probably learn to increase his speed, or reduce the amount of points of contact he requires to swiffer about, or make it be like his elbows and knees instead of just his feet and palms. Alternatively all Gentle-Man really needs to do is learn how to do Mugen's capoera break dancing fighting style from Samurai Champloo and suddenly he's a tornado of undefeatable might. You can't knock me down if I'm already on the ground.

Moonfish's quirk is super weak and pathetic. He can move his teeth around. It took a lot of work and dedication to make his teeth become growing branching spike lasers like they are now. His quirk is something that on the surface would appear weak (the power to move your teeth) that he has clearly perfected into a brutal killing form.