Quote Originally Posted by Liquor Box View Post
An interpretation of the scene that addresses all of Zernin and Gunbatte'a concerns might be that the female frost giant perceived sexism when none actually existed. Not all examples of sexism result from actual sexism and we have seen no evidence of sexism amongst frost giant society (other than this one giant's perception) in the strip so far - indeed (as some have pointed out) males and females seem integrated (for example the most prestigious group - the casters - includes two males and two females).
I actually don't believe this to be the case in my head-cannon. I fully believe that the Frost Giant was subject to some really annoying bull**** in her life because she was a woman. I do find that it breaks my suspension of disbelief that any unit that regularly puts their life on the line would want someone to hold back, though I also believe that it's completely plausible that individual frost giants would try and take credit for the feats of others.

TL;DR: Frost Giant Lady faces sexism and others take credit for her work is plausible, others encouraging her to actually perform poorly in life or death situations is not.