Lilleah and Nicaene

The novice runs off in hot pursuit and follows them right on to the street. For a moment she pauses unable to see where they have gone, but it is only momentary as Nicaene bursts past and yells "This way!" before darting into the crowd.

They can make out the two thieves ahead of them disappearing onto another main road in the city, but the pair are quite far ahead.

If you want to continue chasing them then:
Constitution rolls to outlast them
Dexterity rolls to run fast than them
Or Knowledge local rolls to find a short cut.

If you can think of another way to catch up then go for it.

Cirelyn, Nesta, Ella and Taryn

The man behind the bar nods and shouts for one of the regulars to go fetch them. The barman himself grabs a heavy wooden stave from behind the bar and grips it firmly: he clearly doesn't like what's gone on here. The woman beside him, his wife perhaps, is ashen faced and keeps glancing outside.

Within a few moments Cirelyn feels relaxed enough to embrace the Source and power floods into her: does she still attempt to pursue?