
Her face quickly went from alarm to guilt back to alarm as Valere spoke. She poked her head from the alcove he had pushed her into. Seeing nobody paying them any mind, she quickly placed a magical sound barrier around them for privacy.

"Back up a moment." Though she heard the urgency in his voice, she was determined to take the chance to do what she never though she would get the chance to do.

"I am sorry. I don't expect you to believe me, but I never dreamed she would actually kill you when I led you out to those woods. It doesn't excuse my part in it, I would only say that three thousand gold was more money than I had ever seen at that point and I was alone and desperate. So if I am being perfectly honest with you while you are here, I would say no it didn't stop me from becoming friends with her. She and Elias are my only friends in the whole world. I love them so much. I'm not a Count. I didn't have anything." Her voice wavered as she realized she was babbling incoherently. Her eyes started to water and she rubbed the tears that fell from her cheeks.

"Oh no my rouge."
She lamented as she sniffled.

"Anyway, I am glad you're alive. I'm afraid I'm a rather poor excuse for a hero, but tell me what's going on. I will help save Taldor if I can. This is where I keep all my stuff."
A small smile flit across her lips at her weak joke. Despite her emotional reaction to her unexpected reunion with Valere, she was intensely curious and was fairly certain Elias would be interested in saving Taldor if it was in real peril. Kiyoko on the other hand, might take some convincing. Ellarie suspected her Teifling friend would find seeing the world burn terribly amusing.