Quote Originally Posted by PsyBomb View Post
1 mana Neutral Common Minion (Elemental). 1/1, Battlecry add a 1/2 Elemental to your hand. This is shockingly good, actually, but not if used for early plays. Two Elemental minions in one card, totaling 2/3 for 2. Triggers the master Elementals for days, strings up combos and on-play triggers (VanCleef and Questing come to mind), and supports the Elemental themes well (hello, Ozumat). He's going to see play if Elemental minions do at all, possibly even if they don't. I may be biased as a Browncoat, but that's incidental.[/SPOILER]
Fire Fly is actually a 1/2, so the powerlevel is actually even higher than you already give it credit for.