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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Koprulu Sector

    Default Re: [DBitP] Foster's Home For Temporally-Displaced Friends

    Starlight simply gaped as the pirate droid blatantly ignored her. She was literally offering him free money, what kind of pirate wouldn't take that offer? However, her bafflement was short-lived as she got the call.

    Quote Originally Posted by igordragonian View Post

    Vodkana gasped, and face clawed in horror, and self disgust. Nononono!
    "S...star..light.. I.. just.. have.. killed.. Flake!"

    "It wasn't supposed to be like that! Nya!" she sobbed. She wanted nothing but to feel pain, to get punished- maybe this will make her feel less guilty and stupid.
    The ki arrows penerated and she shouted in agony, starting to fall from the sky, welcoming the pain. She still cried.

    Slushie yelled "Sailor Arcos!" with horror, he flew to get her on his surfer.
    "NOT COOL KITTY DUDET!" He yelled, and sent a ki blast at Vodkana.

    Vodkana didn't bothered even attempting to dodge- but this was surely a powerful ki blast- fighter or not, it was a ki blast from a 300K PL dude.
    Her Pl almost immediately fell to almost zero.
    She crashed into the swamp making a hole.

    Vodkana was in a world of pain, emotionally and physically.
    "I am sorry Starlight.. that I still.. haven't found.. a boyfriend for you.. nya.
    Her Pl fell to 0.

    But in her sub conscious she couldn't find a rest.
    Starlight trusted her.
    23 and 22 believed in her.
    Her friends were in danger.
    Later... they could judge her. But for now..
    For now she wanted nothing but to destroy.

    Vodkana gotten up, with a cold stare and a royal smug grin, engulfed in purple aura. Her PL jumped to 250,000. Almost like when she has lost control on Plant- now.. Starlight's training prevented her from losing control- but she still didn't denyed her desire for destruction.

    She grinned. "I am sorry, Blizzan-san. Nya. How rude of me... please.. let me offer you a treat! Nya!"
    Vodkana has summoned dozens of ki trays.
    "Busy restaurant eve!" she sent all of them raining them at Blizzan, just to give herself a room for breathing.
    She pulled out from her bag... a bowl of meat balls.
    "Would you like to make it a Nyagotian style of dual? Nya?" she grinned smuggly, as she inserted ki into the meat balls.

    "Unless.. you are boring and too coward to try new combat style?"
    Starlight's stomach dropped as she froze. No, that was impossible! Flake's power level was far higher than Vodkana's, she should have survived it easily! She couldn't have miscalculated, could she? Finally, she disappeared in a flash of light, reappearing moments later underneath the battle with Blizzan holding a small bag in her mouth, looking for Flake. Surely Vodkana must be mistaken, she must be still alive. She had to be. She could never forgive herself if she wasn't.
    Last edited by Hawkflight; 2017-03-20 at 11:49 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate
    Psychology has nothing to say on the courtship of dragons, but science will surely catch up in time.
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