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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Hearthstone 19: Patches In All The Wrong Places

    When considering Hemet, one of the classes/decks that may make best use of it may be... Druid.

    They can ignore the consequence of "fatiguing out" if they have 1 jade idol in their hand when they pay hemet, and could theoretically even get their whole "gagetzan + jade idol spam" out way easier without filler cards. Though it'd probably be a different variation on the deck, given that deck doesn't play much at 3 mana and lower anyway. Regular Jade Druid might just be better anyway.

    I also wonder about how this fares with "Kazakus" decks, and the ability to trim the fat in them for an easier time drawing your bigger stuff.

    That said, updated the deck, with advice in mind, and cut some of the fat. Mostly realizing that the way the deck runs, I don't necessarily need 'value 2 drops' so much.

    Spoiler: Marsh Queen v0.2

    1 Mana Spells (3)
    Quest Marsh Queen x1 (1)
    Tracking (2)

    1 Mana Minions (12)
    Fire Fly x2
    Glacial Shard x2
    Alleycat x2
    Fiery Bat x2
    Argent Squire x2
    Elven Archer x2
    (1 drops to consider/swap for: Stonetusk Boar, Worgn Infiltrator, Small Raptor, Weasel Tunneler, Timber Wolf)

    2 Mana (3)
    Crackling Razormaw x2
    (If there's not enough beasts to facilitate these, can be swapped for Tar Creepers)
    Youthful Brewmaster
    (I think there’s enough shenanigans with this card to make it viable, but could conceivably be traded out for a tech card (like Ooze. Bounce your 1 drop for another tick of quest.)

    3 Mana (6)
    Animal Companion x2
    Kill Command x2

    4 Mana (2)
    Hound Master x2

    5 Mana (4)
    Tol’vir Warden x2
    Tundra Rhino x2

    6 Cost (2)
    Savanah Highmane x2


    Also, I actually saw Small Raptor before making v0.1 of the deck, but decided to not put it in the initial shell (hear me out). The way I saw it, a 1 mana 2/1 with no upside early on isn't the best. Sure, some games it dies t2, you draw the Big Raptor t3-5 an it's "insane". Most games, this doesn't happen (not to mention those where you don't even draw it until t6+).
    Once you play your Marsh Queen, sure you have another 1 mana 4/3 in your deck, but when you draw this, that means you're not drawing a different card in your deck. Such as your 1 mana 3/2 Cycle raptor. The fewer cards you have cluttering your draws away from the Savannas and the Raptors, the better. So I'm not even fully convinced the death rattle is upside.
    Last edited by Epinephrine_Syn; 2017-03-28 at 06:01 AM.