8. The Love Martyr

A downtrodden soul bereft of love and happiness. He's wishy-washy, awkward, unsure of himself and habitually fades into the background. After all, who would want to associate with such a loser with all these giants of Charisima and competance around? However, one person does show some sign of affection to the Love Martyr, and he hangs onto that with all his might. He may become an overawed friend, an obsessed stalker or a henpecked lover, but he will never leave his love object for longer than it takes to run an errand, and even then they will always be in his thoughts.

Motivated by the one person to show kindness, this fortunate unfortunate will brave any danger, endure any pain and crush any obstacle in the name of their affection. His love will grant him the strength to batter through torments and ignore injuries, frequently leading to him returning on the brink of collapse. If for any reason, the object of his love is lost to him, the consquences will not be pretty...

9. The Resolute

A quiet person with a duty. She faces all of life's problems with a stoic face and unflinching attitude. She's not emotionless by any means, but come snow or shine she will persevere with what needs to be done. When the going gets tough, she tightens up her belt, drawstrings and other fasteners and relentlessly pushes on. Come hell or high water, NOTHING is going to stop her.