10. The Fearful
This barbarian is actually pretty afraid of a lot. He is timid, he worries, he trembles in fear all the way through a dungeon, but when combat starts and he stars freaking out in fear too much, he enters a heightened state of fear that makes him the most dangerous thing in the world, lashing out fearfully at everything around him until everything is dead, then when he returns to his usual demeanor he looks around fearfully and asks that they get going, lest whatever caused this slaughter returns to come for him.

11. The Mother.
Don't. Ever. Threaten. Any. Child. Around. Her. EVER.

12. The Destroyer
He demands respect. He will not brook any disrespect to his person, he will eat any food he wants, enjoy it for all its culinary delights as he is an epicurean, and will respect others in turn. But if you do not share food with him, or if you insult him, he will kill you and your entire town.