Lady Selancourte

Lady Selancourte smiled at the boy again, but this time, the smile didn't reach her eyes. He was demanding, and she hated that. Especially coming from a boy his age, a boy she just had rescued from his cruel captor, and a peasant. Back in Cheliax, she'd have him whipped, but then again, after being Lamm's slave since quite a long time, as she assumed, that would probably not faze him.

"And here I thought in freeing you and yours from Lamm's chains I was already helping you! I apologise for my misconception." she answered, but the subtlest trace of irony in her voice. "So this is how it is going to be. Using the life of a little girl as a bargaining chip. You must be proud of yourself, since you obviously have learnt much from Lamm." Ever so slightly, she shook her head at the boy, before glancing around at the other children. "Would you treat their lives with as little regard as Acele's?"
She was fairly sure she could talk him out of that nonsense, given enough time, but alas, that she didn't have. As they spoke, the others were looking for Lamm, and she would prefer to interrogate him if at all possible instead of killing him outright - his information about Acele's... buyer... surely would be a lot more valuable than the boy's.
"I won't hold it against the others, though." Vestis finally continued. "I can promise to be as helpful to you as you will be to me." A convincing expression of concern fell over her countenance. "Just try not to become like him."

Spoiler: Diplomacy/Bluff on the boy

I'll try to have him be content with that promise instead of an oath I'm not sure I can keep.
(1d20+9)[25] if you think Diplomacy is the most fitting, minus 1 if you consider bluff more fitting.