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Thread: [d20 Dune] Voice from the Outer World

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [d20 Dune] Voice from the Outer World

    The House Shield Generator

    The tripwire trap is removed, the nodes are secured, and now the explosives can be removed. Need demolitions check: Daniel and Freya both have has trained in the skill. But you can take 10 and aid another, which more than sufficient to do the job.

    Once they are back at the secret door that leads to the water filtration facility, Juladia activates her comlink, tuned to Aidan’s, “Sir, we have disabled several more traps and explosives. I believe it is now safe to activate the shields. We have also found a secret tunnel that leads to a nearby water filtration facility, we are standing at the entrance to that tunnle now. We believe there may be Harkonnen troops or operatives there. What are your orders?”

    Aidan is heard to reply, “Tevas, start the shields. If all goes well then you are released to continue your tasks in order. Captain Borvis, you and a few guards are to secure that secret tunnel at the entry door and I will send reinforcements to you. I will also send troops outside, to await the signal from the operatives. The troops will enter from outside while you four enter through the secret door, thus invading that water filtration facility simultaneously. Signal me when you are in position and ready.”

    Upon hearing the words directed at him, Tevas switches on the shields. Nothing in the generator room or the monitoring room explodes. A loud, bass hum is heard throughout the entire building complex as energy flows through the cabling to the nodes. Tevas reports, "The house shields are now fully engaged and operating to protect the entire complex."

    Juladia acknowledges the orders and turns to her companions, “So, once again we are sent into the most dangerous scenario.” She checks her weapons and shrugs as she turns on her shield, “I am ready.”

    Spoiler: OOC
    Damage (VP unless noted)
    Daniel 2
    Last edited by Gryndel; 2017-04-01 at 09:58 AM.
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