Quote Originally Posted by Terumitsu View Post
[On A Mission Of MERC-See]

The sound of the engine was unpleasant to her ears, half the reason why they were flat against her head. Travel should not be this loud or this fast without, like, teleportation involved or something! Or maybe flying carpets. Either way, Alva was sitting shotgun as Victor drove. Leg room was at a premium even before having to account for about six more tails than the expected amount in these things and it was all she could do to keep from looking entirely like a slightly disgruntled ball of fluff. At least their cargo didn't have to worry about much other than what would elicit the occasional 'Slosh.'

At least she knew better than to ask 'are we there yet.' What she probably didn't know better was to ask: "So, other than going fast, can you do anything else special in these things?" because all that loud noise and sudden stopping and starting—at least, it was to her given her decided familiarity to engines with four legs that ran on hay or oats—was a decidedly unpleasant experience. Central heating, though, was something she was one hundred percent in favor of.
On A Mission of MERC-See

Victor, her equally massive and armor-clad compatriot and driver, laughs uproariously at Alva's question. Her state during the trip from Riverside to the mountains of mercness has been a source of consistent amusement, and the normally formal, well-spoken and wry man has been far more boistrous behind the wheel of a vehicle, "Of course I can! I ran some illicit casks for a moonshiner or two in my day, and there wasn't a trip I didn't delight in ending like this!" Whipping the wheel to one side and applying the hand-brake, Vic takes advantage of the slickness of the roads this time of year to kick the jeep into a wide spin, pressing both its occupants against the seats and rattling the barrels in the back seat. The spin takes them into a perfect parallel park that ends with two of the wheels which were—shall we say—temporarily gravitationally impaired hitting the pavement again with a groaning thud of protesting shock absorbers.

"There we are, snug as a bug. Now, let's go meet the Mercs and talk some mutually beneficial arrangements before they notice the burnt rubber in their parking lot." Vic steps out of the jeep and walks around to help Alva with her door, always the gentleman.