[On A Mission Of MERC-See]

Seeming much relieved at the now lack of canine in the immediate area, Alva relaxed as she glanced towards Victor. "You know, at this point I feel like I should ask if you're just reading my mind." she said with a masked laugh. "But I was wanting to suggest myself something that might be mutually beneficial. This is more of a proposal for later negotiation, mind, but more than just a patrols, I think there's ample opportunity for us to teach each other what we know. Spar a bit on friendly terms. Sharpen steel with steel as the saying goes." she said, still smiling despite the narrowing eyes sent her way.

"We could probably even make the area around the aqueducts a neutral ground for this if there are any concerns about who's place we'd use... But here I am brainstorming when we aren't even to that point yet." Alva said, an ear idly flicking towards some sound in another room. "Something to consider at least. But as for the terms of compensation if there is an inconvenience or encroachment, I believe they are very fair terms indeed.. Though I guess we should get the paperwork out of the way now, in that case." she said.