Quote Originally Posted by Velaryon View Post
So is it better to go for personal stats and say screw the objective when it comes to building your SR? I've never had any interest in competitive mode, so I never bothered to learn how the ranking system actually works. Because if so, that would explain why everyone in bronze is running around treating it like a deathmatch instead of playing as a team, because the ranking system is actively encouraging them to do that from the way you're making it sound.
If your team has 5 tardlicks who won't cooperate? Yes, I'm afraid so. That said, I don't think that's people "gaming the system" because cooperating and communicating is WAYYYYY more effective. If you really want to climb, get a mic, and use it.

Also, you have a button that tells people to push the payload? We console plebs don't get one of those...
Wow, that sucks.

What I would do in that case is say "screw support" until you reach a rank where you have a prayer of finding a team that works together, and just play a character with good self-sustaining like Mei, Roadhog, etc.
Yeah, they really need to fix support SR.

Or just play Quick Play and Arcade, which is what I actually do.
Yeah. It's mostly what I do too.