As the beam that transported him here fades, Synth is already waiting with his hands crossed, looking every bit as though he was as sullen as one would expect from a navi that looked like a dark knight from some cheap fantasy game, but this wasn't their first test and his eyes flash red before he holds out a hand and materializes an oversized blade, "All green." For her part, Yuki sighs in relief. She knew he meant well but this wouldn't have been the first time that Synth didn't actually take the time to confirm his status and just charged in. Even he was serious this time though, and willing to put up with procedure.

"Remember, stay with the team, just because you're strong enough to take things on alone doesn't mean you have to, alright?" Test or not, the NetOp couldn't help but worry. "Relax. This isn't like that drill. I know what I'm doing." Despite saying that, however, the dark navi moves to the front of the group and starts to tap his foot impatiently.


Trained Stat: +1 CS to Attack
Focused and Agility Training (+4 to Initiative, +2 to skill checks, +1 to accuracy rolls and movement capabilities)

Safe to assume that Synth is channeled at all times, but I can also channel others if they're willing (or unwilling but I'll save that for hostiles or emergencies)

Likely going to be using Dragon Dance as we charge the enemy.