Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
Well. . . this could be a problem. Maybe she will be resistant? I mean, when vehemence activated that agro aura thing, it didnt seem to make maxima go crazy with violence. I mean sure she was pinned by the neck, but still, it didnt seem like it had any effect.
Quote Originally Posted by lord_khaine View Post
I just cant see any logical reason for why she should be resistant to this. She has been shown a few times to have the mind of a regular human, with all the flaws and emotions that follow along.

As for the Agro Aura Vehemence had, we cant know if he specifically excluded Max from its area of effect, due to not wanting it to give her a sudden boost of endurance. And for all we know she were affected, but the aura did not make people go crazy or mindless, it just made them fight whoever were closest. And Max already had a opponent to focus her attention on.
Simple truth is that we don't have enough information to tell. Max didn't appear affected, but there are quite a few reason why that might be the case.

If she wasn't affected:

1) She was already in active hand to hand combat. Everyone else technically wasn't.

2) Whatever the electricity shooting through her head is might have countered it.

3) She MIGHT be immune.

Or, she might have been affected but since he is closest is going after him. After all, is Dabbler affected? She's targeting him and looks like she's planning on trying to kill him ("Let's see him regenerate his brain stem") but then is attacked by someone closer. So is she impacted or just being aggressive?

Short version: We don't have enough info to know if Max was affected by the aggro, and can't use anything from that fight to speculate if she's affected now.

(Before someone says yellow eyes, technically the only ones we saw with yellow eyes were ones who appeared to be woken up by the effect. We never saw Hiro or Stalwart with them).