Quote Originally Posted by SuperPanda View Post
Raid Campaign banner incoming:

Keeper USB: Party Haste, Status Blink, HP stock 2000, CT0 x2
Ashe BSB: Zap zap, enLightning
Rosa BSB: Holy zap + party heal. ST mBlink on cmd1
Edea BSB: Burr Burr, EnIce. Icy/Dark Maria commands.
Sabin SSB: 8xST attack + party pBlink
Palom SSB: 8xAoE Holy/Fire/Lightning + Mag/Res down
Fran SSB: 8x Random Lightning/Non-Elemental + Imperil Lightning
Laguna SSB: 6x AOE + Slow
Edge SB: 8x ST Lightning + paralyze and slow.
Let's see.
  • Keeper USB: It's a great buff, but I'd still use him, if at all, for wall. On the other hand, I could use him for this and Y'shtola for wall, so... Maybe.
  • Ashe BSB: The queen of Lightning meta. Admittedly tempting, although now that I have her OSB, it's a bit of a toss-up. That said, her BSB is more functional than her OSB, so... Maybe.
  • Rosa BSB: Have it. It's nice. So, nah.
  • Edea BSB: It's pretty nice, true, although I have Serah's BSB for my Ice BSB needs. So... Maybe.
  • Sabin SSB: Meh.
  • Palom SSB: Very nice. However, I already have BSBs for two mages in IV (Rydia, Golbez) so I'm not sure this would tempt me to put him in my IV caster slot. Versatile for a one-shot, and powerful, but... Just maybe.
  • Fran SSB: It's just weird, you know? It's like... Why is this even a thing? She can't exactly take advantage of it. Anyway, I have her reverse wallbreak SB, which is actually really useful and fits her, so... nah.
  • Laguna SSB: Nah.
  • Edge SB: I have his instant pBlink/Hastega/Last Stand SSB, so why do I need this? Nah.

To me, it depends on whether it's an LD. If it is, absolute yes. If it isn't, there are some solid maybes there, but also some nahs. I'd probably skip, frankly.

Quote Originally Posted by oxybe View Post
Oh no.

Oh nonononono.


FFXII - Conquer the Mandragoras - Apocalypse ++

Cries internally
Yeah, skipping the fool out of that.

Side note, if you haven't gotten your raid campaign mythril already, do it. It's super easy. Just start an easy-level Leviathan campaign with your two best Lightning casters and run it as soon as someone joins. You don't need a full party, you don't need the highest difficulty, you just need to clear it three times. It's basically free mythril.

And a stamp.