[So, Commentary for the game, and what we have done lately!

I have to play some more, and finally get off Taris. That will take quite a bit.

So, the quests:

1) Main Quest:

We had to get the swoop engine part, then fly the swoop, then get the codes, then get the ship. Taris just continues to go on and on. It would be more enjoyable with getting Jedi powers, and I plan to do a play through with them, and see if it is better. Anyway back to the main quest, we just have more and more to do. It means a long wander through the city, while losing Jedi class levels.

The issue with the main quest, is that it is basically an extended tutorial. We just keep suffering on Taris, and have many cutscenes. The plotting and pacing is slow, and it just goes. To be honest, complaints about Taris, lead to Kotor 2 trying to make it more interesting. I think that shows one of Bioware's bad points, because the first area in Mass Effect is much better designed and developed. It just flows through more naturally, and the rest of the game post Taris works only slightly better.

After Taris, we leave to Dantioone, became a Jedi, then go traveling to 4 places and a fifth. The central binding plot suffers slightly, and it's not really that replayible. It could have been better, but then again, Bioware is learning here.

2) Side quests:

Nearly all the side quests are dumb. The dark side choice is pretty much "I am a jerk" in response, and the game doesn't do well. Basically, dark side responses have you answer like a jerk or a ****. Nor are they very compelling. The bounties are interesting, and we can get easy money, but why would we really want to help out anyone else besides Dia? Dia deserved our help, while the others are mix; you should take out Selven, Bendak, and then pick if you are nice to Largo and Marik (matrik). We can spare people or not.

The rakghoul serum, the promised land quests are frankly a bit odd. There is no actual strong enough reasons to go with the dark side solution. Why give the serum to Zax, when Zelka can produce more? Why pass the promised land journals to the weasel guy in the Undercity? The Capitalist guy?

I don't recall what other side quests we had, but we will get more. That is just wonderful.

The next thing to cover is feats. The way to go is picking up two weapon fighting and flurry or what gets used as flurry for blasters. Two weapons means more attacks, while Flurry/rapid shot means making more attacks. How frequently we hit matters more than sheer amount of damage. So, the Power attack is not worthwhile, nor is the critical strike. You are better off not picking those up.

Force powers are also big, and importantly useful. We get powers on Dantioone with Jedi training.

Now we get to characters. Most of our party will follow after Taris, which is just silly. Most will end up in the ship, while we do stuff. What value is that? Why do we need so many party members, especially when only the Jedi ones will end up getting used more? You have to deliberately use the others.

The only non-jedi I tend to use after Dantioone is Canderous or HK-47. T3 loses value if you stock up on a bunch of material, Mission is only good for her skills that T3 has, and Z is basically a wookiee. We can make Z into a melee monster, but no lightsabers and no armor options means he won't survive much. We need to develop the characters to get the most bang for our buck, but we are very likely to abandon some of the characters.

Jolee is the best of the Jedi characters, because the character is that awesome and fun. Juhani is too much of a paladin, and Bastila is so-so. Having a mod that makes everyone a jedi is nice, but it is not always liked. It does make you keep using more of the other characters.

So, the party usually ends up being my character, jolee, maybe HK or Candie to round it out. Sometimes I add in Bastila. This does set up which planets to visit: to get Jolee, go to Kashyyyk, and to get HK-47, go to Tatioone

Do others have thoughts or concerns, or questions for me to answer? I will

For next time, we will be finishing up Taris, finally, and get to our next destination, the Jedi Training planet!]