A red border blinked around the peripherals of Deny's vision as she began transmitting what she saw to the others.

Shell projected the display from her PET to the other NetOps in real time, dispensing tactics advice and statistics from memory for each of the virus programs. Each, except
"The Canodumbs?"
"Uh-yes, right. That.
Er, moving on, given their superior speed and attack, it would be optimal to engage the Swordys from beyond their limited range on the platform so ranged attacks should be prepared there.
If it's at all possible to access that platform, I can see an avenue for bypassing the barrier and the second gate entirely, though if our dear instructor is still listening he probably just patched that exploit...
It's unlikely that any of these enemies are capable of inflicting stat conditions, but to be on the safe side..."

Three spinning orbs floated to the side of each netnavi in anticipation to intercept oncoming debuffs.

"With your permission, I will attempt to draw fire and set up a flanking maneuver."

The netnavi motioned to leave the range of solid platform, careful to keep the distance between the closest Canodumb and the most forward advancing Navis equal. It was a risky plan, designed to keep stationary enemies guessing as to which opponent would come within range first, and easily disrupted by a reckless charge. Deny must have great confidence in this group to attempt it so quickly.

Spoiler: Action and Status
Spoiler: Equipped Chips
Mist 1/2scene
Powder Snow
Quiver Dance 2/2scene
Fly: Sky+4

Standard:Mist-3 activation to negate lowered CS
Shift: Descend 4, Forward 5

Blessings: Mist 3/3, Reflect 2/2
Training: Speed, Agile, Brutal

Spoiler: Map Assessment
Each bridge and platform is guarded by a pair of canodumbs, ready to shoot anything that comes into their range. On each platform, in addition, are several mettaurs to support them. Each section of the stage is barred by a security gate that can be interacted with via access panel, with the exception of one, which is barred by barrier (that can't be hacked, only unlocked via key, which is guarded by two swordys on an isolated platform ) Oh, and one hallway appears to be a deathtrap. Stepping there means you activate the turret program. In your experiece, turrets can't simply be busted as they're protected by a seemingly impenatrable aura. Fortunately, those are hackable. On the far end is the port to the next stage.

Spoiler: Scan Results
Cannodumb: Scan fail.

Element/Type: Null/Null
Special Attack:1
Special Defense:12

Element/Type: Null/Sword
Special Attack:2
Special Defense:9

Element: Null/Cursor
Special Attack:2
Special Defense:12
Speed:1 (Triggered)