For a moment, Kenta was worried. He’d thrown everything he had into that attack, and Korokke was still standing! Kenta hovered in mid-air, his knee still raised. Flying people can freeze in position very easily. Noah’s chest rose and fell with breath in the moment before Korokke fell to his knees and dropped.

Kenta did it… and he did it without being on death’s door. A smile broke out onto his face.

“Cause I fight for others, that’s how.”

Kenta turned around and watched the others fighting Karaage and Blossom. With the duel completed, Kenta could honorably join in the greater battle. And oh how he would join it.

Still hovering off of the ground, Kenta brought both arms out to his sides, stretched out fully. He started to gather all the chi he could muster. It turns out that it’s a lot. A white aura flared up around the Champion and the earth began to tremble. Spiritual pressure built up drastically in a short amount of time. Kenta grunted and did his best to focus his breathing. He was drawing forth more than he rightfully should at any one time. Such a task was draining.

He then brought his hands close together, palms open, facing Karaage. A ball of white-blue chi formed within his grasp. Flares of energy flew off of it. It took physical strength to hold his hands in place and aim. When it was fully gathered, Kenta made Dymara proud by shouting the name of his attack.


The ball exploded towards Karaage in a beam… a really, really, and I mean really big beam. The attack was massive, carving a line through the battlefield as it raced towards Karaage. The SIDE Satelittes definitely saw this, because the attack was easily visible from space. The mass of energy rushed towards Karaage and slammed into him with a direct hit.