Inspired by this:

     Base         per level
AC:   14          +1
NAD:  12          +1
ATK:  +5          +1
HP:   24          +8

        Minion    Low      Med    High     Limit
1       5         1d6+3    1d8+5  1d12+6   1d10+10
2       6         1d6+5    1d8+7  1d12+8   1d10+13
3       7         2d6+3    2d8+5  2d12+5   2d10+11
4       8         2d6+4    2d8+6  2d12+7   2d10+13
5       9         2d6+6    2d8+9  2d12+10  2d10+16

+5:     +5        +2d6     +2d8+1 +2d12   +2d10+4

AKA:    20%       30%      40%    50%      60%  (PC HP per hit)

Encounter power: +1 or +2 columns
Brute: +1 column
Multi-target: -1 column

Soldier: +2 AC
Brute: -2 AC, +2 HP +2*Level HP
Artillery: -2 AC, -3 HP -2*Level HP
Lurker: -3 HP -2*Level HP

Minion: only 1 HP (does not take damage on a miss), Minion damage
Elite: x2 HP, +1 column damage
Solo: x4 HP, +1 column damage, action economy compensation
Thoughts? Am I on crack here?

The AKA row displays the percent of a player's HP that a blow of that strength will cause. It matches what monsters do at level 1, roughly. Players gain more tactical options for dealing with monster damage and hits as they gain levels, so they should still have a power edge over monsters that scale this way. And being hit remains scary with these damage expressions; being crit can be deadly.

Limit is designed to do more average damage than High, but not on a crit (max damage of Limit and High is nearly identical). A crit of a High/Limit blow is basically the max HP of a 5 HP/level character.