Xerex sat paitiently while Hobbleton and Redmane discuss the It'aksi. He was surprised to find out the good general knew of them and their leader personally. Even more surprised to hear Redmane speak of making sure that magic items were affordable to the commoners, not just the nobles, as she seemed to put special emphasis on them earlier. After the general left Xerex sighed, "'I have a Plan B' the general says, 'work on it with them' he says without telling us what his plan is. But yes. It's more imperative we step up our game, Kamyol." Butterflies flew in his stomach when Redmane addresed him as ambassador for the first time, "This is definitely something that will interest Lilygrove. We are of course, still willing and able to provide our aid on the previously agreed upon terms, but would you be open to renegotiations on increasing our input of crafters and their products to balance out the incoming It'aksi items?"