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Thread: (IC) Festival of Heroes - Main

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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: (IC) Festival of Heroes - Main

    Stretching as he came out of the crafting hall. Umbear was in the mood for something... succulent. He remembered there was a secret hidden place in town. But he wasnt sure how to get in. He smiled thinking of Ra and Bast. He decided to try and hunt out a member of the Black Market, or the Theives Guild, seeking out information.

    (1d20+22)[37] Knowledge Local
    (1d20+24)[25] Intimidate Gather Information

    Thinking things over, he begins heading to the gambling halls on the Shadier side of town, the east side.
    Last edited by Darius Vibrtrar; 2017-05-01 at 10:06 AM.
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.