Doc: “That was cute up until I saw the little kidney sale on the monitor.”

GM: “The solution as to what assists flowering plants in the Equestrian Wasteland; invisible magic bees.”

Choro: “Hmm... So I guess that's everything? Invisibility potion/pollen, ninja, robot orderly, academic necromancer, thief, teenage wizard, doctor, action scientist, daredevil adventurer, camper van, bioweapon, scratch-built medical equipment, light fiction, reference books, lots of guns...”
Doc: “’Doctor’? That's it, I only get a one word label? Shortchanging your earth pony again?”
Choro: “Hey, Moony just got thief, and Choro got named after a Nickelodeon character. It's not my fault that the only simple descriptions of Stellar and Viridia make them sound like they put 'badass' on their tax returns.”
Doc: “But you wrote the labels! It's like the punchline in that one Mac vs. PC commercial with the wheel.”
Choro: “Wasn't Doc annoyed at people not calling him ‘Doctor’?”
Doc: “That’s because they were calling him Nurse.”

GM: “Doc, quite suddenly, had a stack of metal disks shoved towards him; the disks he was holding had little blinking lights arrayed over them, along with cute little 'Caution!' stickers with frowny-faces on them.”

Choro: “Pony Eating Robots sounds better than Equine Eating Robots.”

Doc: *gives Strata a bottle of water, one he had acquired by melting clean snow. The rads would be good for her*
GM: “The ghoul eagerly took the bottle and quickly gulping down the life-giving water within.”
Doc: “You mean... half-life giving water.”

Stellar: *makes final checks of the airbus for their journey, keen to get going*
Doc: “So, how many miles on a full pegasus does this bus get?”