The Evening Before - Cirelyn and Lilleah

Lilleah and Cirelyn find themselves being ushered back to the Novice quarters, but they are still keen to practice and experiment. Do they stay in their quarters where channeling is mostly prohibited, or find a more clandestine place to practice?

The Evening Before - Nesta

"Oh," Ryla appears surprised. "I had presumed that we would not have so many Talented Healers amongst our Novices. As I said to you earlier, it did seem that you were rather skilled at Healing, a weave which it is forbidden to Novices to learn."

"Did you learn that weave when you were with the SeaFolk?" The elderly Romanda asked.

The Evening Before - Ella

Ellinar pauses, her face inscrutable. "I assume you have a reason for asking beyond curiosity child? Those are important to me and it is not the place of a Novice to ask personal questions of a sister."