Session was cut short due to my friend having to leave or be stuck here for the night due to weather, but rather quotable.


NG Ifreeti Cleric of Apollo (Wife)
N Azer Craftlord (Bro)
CN Salamander Barbarian (Friend)

GM (Me): "you see some people, all of the lower classes, with strange black spots interrupting the healthy red of their flames and skin."
Bro: "The Black Spot! Ahhhhh!"

Me: "The Black Spot fully overtakes the Salamander, and he attacks the shopkeeper in the stall next to you."
Bro: "Not my problem."
Me: "He is pushed back, reaches behind him, and grabs a sword off of your table."
Bro: *Smash* "No shoplifting."

Bro: "I saved your life, you better buy something."

Wife: "I'm going to need a sample of infected flesh to try and identify it."
Bro: *Picks Salamander bits out of hammer spikes* "Is this enough?"

Wife: "Can you say that any less like this is a cult?"

Wife: "Can you say that any less like this is a star wars movie?"

Friend: "Can I pee on the corpse?"
Me: "I think any liquid waste would be evaporated inside your bodies, and the high heat would help you matabalize more of the solid waste, though there would still... Huh, you guys **** coal."

Friend: "Mortals power vehicles with ****!"

Me: "A vicious sandstorm surrounds the Azer ruins."
Bro: "I kneel down and pray a few feet from from the storm."
Me: "The storm does not vanish."
Bro: "Oh, I wasn't praying for that, I was just praying we don't die in there."