Quote Originally Posted by martixy View Post
But reading BoEF, actually reading it, with comprehension, can only be a good thing. If you don't wanna include the topic of sex in your campaign under any form, that's fine. But it is still part of human experience(one might say a major part) that should be open for exploration in games. I'd say you start at a yellow flag and escalate to red, the younger the DM is.
I've read parts of the BOEF...And it did actually address homosexuality in a semi-serious manner which was something that wasn't going to happen in 3rd edition. So technically, you could use the BOEG and have nothing more sexual then that dude dwarf is married to that other dude dwarf.

Personally, even if I have never played Cthulhutech I'd place it into the definite yellow flag territory from what I have heard of it. So you admit to enjoying a game with snuff porn adventures? Yeah, that's not reassuring.