There was a small gathering ahead, probably discussing when or where to make camp. A merchant of some sort, along with a few warriors. Well, joining in the conversation couldn't hurt, and it would be good to stretch a little.

After carefully lowering the yolk and speaking briefly to refugee's, Leopard approaches the small group, just in time to hear the merchants summation of the situation. "I hope you don't mind a stranger butting in sir, but with respect, it will matter how far we travel. You're right in pointing out your pursuers endurance, but honestly, I think the issue will not be how far we travel before the first attack, but how much further we will need to travel if we repel it. Our wound will slow us, as will the bodies of the fallen if we wish to deny the dead more soldiers, and that means we need to be as close to clean water and fresh food as possible." At least somewhat aware of his rudeness, Leopard offers a half bow. "Still, it is good to meet someone with foresight. I wish to offer my assistance, since you seem to have some view of the way forward."