Quote Originally Posted by icefractal View Post
* If you ban taking 20, but leave other rules the same, people will just roll 20+ times. How is that better?
Quote Originally Posted by Quertus View Post
It helps you to get in character, of course. It lets you feel the frustration your character is feeling at having to repeat the same task over and over again. Works especially well when the GM makes the roll for you, where you don't know if you could have done better.
It isn't a given that my character is feeling frustrated. Maybe he enjoys doing this and doesn't mind having to try repeatedly. Maybe he has a zen attitude about it and doesn't let little setbacks bother him. Or maybe the game's default assumption of "you're failing several times before you succeed" is not applicable in this instance and he's just taking his sweet time for whatever reason. I'm the one who decides how my character feels about what he's doing.

But even if we assume my character is feeling frustrated, it isn't necessary for me to feel the same thing in order to roleplay the character. I don't point a gun in your face when my character makes an Intimidate check against an NPC, so please don't try to make me feel like you think my character "should". You are not Stanley Kubrick.