Doc: “Moon, you want to hold onto the [Invisibility] potion?”
Moon: “Arguably you'd need it more, but thanks.”
Doc: “Nah. Someone might be startled if their healthcare disappears on them.”

GM: “River hauled back to Viridia a large, grey, woolen sweater that looked like it had been made from most of a sheep.”

Choro: “You 'earth' all the time, Doctor. You just don't notice because you're too busy being you.”
Doc: “Did you just…”

River: “So, see you soon?”
Viridia: “I'll try my best to not be dead, just as a treat for you.”

Doc: “Alright, mares and gentle-medics, please put your seat back in the the upright positions for takeoff. In case of emergency, the exits are here, here, there, and anywhere else you can squeeze out of. In the event of a water landing, the equine next to you may be used as a flotation device.”

GM: “And then Moonshadow didn't feel like she had made a terrible mistake in deciding to be the first pegasus to haul the bus, but just a moderate one.”

Choro: “All these basically say 'he's an adventurer'.”
Doc: “Aren't we all technically adventurers?”

Stellar: “What effect does having an improvised spark battery have?”
Doc: “Gives the GM another point of failure to use against us?”

Viridia: “Did I miss something? Why's Stellar salty?”
Doc: “Didn't she have this little crush on V way back near the beginning?”
GM: “Funnily enough, this could apply to most of the female Sunnyside NPC's, sans Mirror. Probably.”
Stellar: “I feel like explaining would take away the fun.”
GM: “Obviously, it's because she thinks she's surrounded by horndogs who all hooked up within several days of one another for some inexplicable reason.”
Viridia: “Heyyy. Viridia didn't ‘hook up’. She just likes imitating Sleipnir.”