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Thread: Megaman Battle Network: CHAOS - IC

  1. - Top - End - #19
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2016

    Default Re: Megaman Battle Network: CHAOS - IC

    Memo proceeded steadily down the corridor after her more agile allies, preparing reactive measures against various potential threats. It looked like she wouldn't be needed on the front lines, as usual for this phase of the simulation. Following her familiar support routine brought a serene smile to her face, though tinged with melancholy at the thought that this run might end the same way as the others as well.
    "Young programs these days, always in such a rush..."

    "Uuuu... These empty hallways always give me the creeps! Remember that time ClownMan burst out of the wall?! Or the flaming spike traps!
    Or-- oh, sorry Memo! Loading next chip set! Go get 'em, everyone!"

    Spoiler: Actions!
    3 turns for Memo to reach the rally area, ending where she is on the map beside Lancer.

    Standard 1: Light Screen (as Reflect, but for Special damage instead of Physical)
    Standard 2: Safeguard (as Mist, but negates the effects of a status condition for 1 turn. Does not actually prevent you from suffering the status condition, as it does in the Pokemon games.)
    NetOp Standard 2 & 3 - Spend 2 AP to swap out expended Light Screen, Safeguard and load Lucky Chant, Soft-Boiled
    Standard 3: Lucky Chant (as Mist, but turns a critical hit into a normal hit. Anything tied to the attack being a critical hit is cancelled when this happens.)

    Added Blessing uses to the map sheet, with quick-use notes.

    Spoiler: Current Chips
    Lucky Chant (spent)
    Reflect (spent)
    Ice Beam
    Cosmic Power
    Last edited by Elfbird; 2017-05-05 at 09:18 PM.