Kate and Nazir

Spoiler: Cavir

Sorry could have been more clear. You were already in the main market area, but that was crowded so you followed Shakchir's directions down a few side paths. The guards are heading toward the main market area, so you are crossing paths, but going opposite directions.

Shakchir's head shot up, when Nazir mentioned they were being watched. His eyes narrowed, and he quickly looks around.

Kate takes a more subtle approach, and manages to catch the woman through the corner of her eyes. She recognized the clothing immediately. Her expensive looking robes held the insignia of her homeland, along with two red falcons. They must have been the sign of some minor noble house that Kate either had not heard of or had forgotten. Around the woman were several servants, most holding onto fans and water, for their mistress. But three among them were armed, obviously her guard.

The woman's eyes bore into Kate, and her jaw set as she struggled to stay just behind Kate, Nazir, and Shakchir while still having her servants provide a barrier between herself and the common people of the market.

Uruk and Ruark

"Your building?" The guard seemed confused, then his face grew grim. "If it's your building, then you must be part of it!" He reached for the sword at his side, though his hand shook as he stumbled to get it free of his scabbard.

"You're under arrest, for, uhh, for conspiracy! And, well, um, for what they were doing here last night that caused all those problems. Stand down in the name of Sir Windsteel! Or, no. Umm, for Lady Dreiana!" He held his blade out in front of him, the tip shaking.

It was pathetic to the point of farce. Whoever the guard was it was clear he hadn't been properly trained. His stance was horrible, made even worse when he took a step forward and it was clear he was limping. His eyes darting between the pair, not quite sure who to focus on. In the end he seemed to decide on Uruk, who he finally pointed his sword directly at. Though the terrified rattling of the blade in his hand was growing worse. Probably as he began to grasp exactly how unlikely it was that he would beat the two warriors in a fight, if it should come to it.