Ricard looks over the potion inventory and grunts. "Well, some of these will be real useful for the common man, and those'll stay cheap if we have anything to say about it. A couple of them are fancy, and those we'll find noble outlets for. Potions are still drops in the bucket compared to the prices we're gonna see for magic items in the noble and merchant districts here in the next couple o' weeks, but I'll sell what you get me in the best place I can." He looks back and forth between the two of them. There's a pause, then he says, "Oh yeah, you mentioned Tiraea. As long as she's got horses, she'll be fine in any caravan. Good she's found another place. Meanwhile, I'll pass these potions along to Jonyun. He'll be glad for 'em. Tell your smithy friend that if he wants a leg up on the It'aksi for his goods, we might be able to cut a corner on his prices. Best we can do."