Trailing behind the chaos of the melee with the Mettaurs, Memo begins fortifying herself now that all the group precautions are enabled.
"Honestly, what do they expect when they leave their support behind..."

"Charge, you're familiar with this kind of situation, are you not? How do you like to support Blade when she leads the vanguard?"

Rise bites her lip to fight the impulse to add to the cacophony in the command room. Hard as it is to watch Lancer get swarmed, there's nothing she can ask Memo to do that would help, and the others seem to have some idea how to get the situation under control.

"Memo, just... just keep doing what you can! If any of those Mettaur get close, freeze 'em!"

Spoiler: Actions!
Shift 5 East, keeping pace with CT
Cosmic Power: +1 Def/Sp.Def CS to self.

Inspired and Brutal Orders on Memo (via Commander's Voice)
(if I ever forget to post an action for Rise, assume it's this one.)