I brought Baigan down by giving mog a mythril so that I could start the fight with everyone's meters at one bar or more (Reynn had almost 2).

When I was able to unleash Let Lines (RW), Edea burst, Reynn Burst, and Penelo burst within 2 rounds along with Wall and Faris Ultra x and pro-shell I had the damage and mitigation to kill the arms before they issued the shut down command.

True the arms respawned just as I was killing the body and the detonations killed my mages in vengeance - but that was only one medal lost (and the only medal lost).

I guess I could have made room for a life siphoning Sabin with his ensuna medica - but this was satisfying.

Haven't had time to poke the blue turtle yet but I've got lots of lightning looking for it's chance. I'm leaning to Rapha + healer/supporter since Rapha gives an uncommon boost and offer some light healing along with having a safe NE flavor.