Quote Originally Posted by Murska View Post
((They're two people. Why would you assume Masons and not Lovers

Also we have Seers. Plural.))
Actually, it's straight up because I did not know Lovers existed. They've never shown up in a game of mafia that I've played, so I wasn't aware of the role. However, unless I REALLY missed something, there is a minimum of brother-sister incest in Worm. If Tom wants to recant that statement, I will concede that Lovers is a possibility and retract my vote. And yes, we COULD have multiple Seers (considering that only 21 of the 35 potential roles are available, and some number of those are scum, there's no way to guarantee multiple Seers), but that requires it's OWN set of checks and balances, as if they are scum, one of the other scum could easily claim Seer to try to get them out of trouble. And the potential of multiple Seers mean that we can't even have someone counterclaim. That's even more unreliable than normal.