The Task Force made their way home without incident. Wraith's sister Bethany was waiting for them at the airport when they landed. Rumors that an Alpha Storm team spontaneously found themselves gearing up for a mission at the exact moment she met her brother's gaze were almost certainly mostly false. Fortunately(?), cooler heads managed to prevail, and Lord Dikon's fortress and everyone in it was not wiped off the map via satellite discharge. If only just.


It was only a few days later when Kate, after months of investigation, managed to track down Janis. The umbrakinetic had fled Verdania after Kate had first started closing in on her, but Kate had persevered. Such perseverance unfortunately required keeping tabs on pretty much every report of a young girl gone missing or murdered throughout the country, but nobody said the life of a private investigator was fun. Janis had been moving around a lot, keeping a step ahead for a while, but recently her trail had led back to the city of Essleton, a fair-sized city about a hundred miles west and a bit north of Verdania, and had stayed there. Which was definitely odd.

But it became less so when Aidan's own contacts in Essleton had alerted him that Chlorine had been spotted there, in the company of her longtime associate, and every DES-SIDE agent's favorite former-prisoner, Max Victor.

That three of the escapees had all settled in the same place was definitely a red flag, and called for more direct reconnaissance. Infiltrating the enemy lair proved only nominally challenging for Wraith. Whether the news he brought back was considered good or bad, well, that depended on your point of view.

There weren't just three escapees in one city - there were ten of them, all holed up together in an old warehouse. With them were a dozen cyborgs wearing the uniforms of the Steel Fist. While he was there, Wraith was able to catch enough conversations to suggest that the escapees had come together on their own initiative, in hopes of whelming enough forces to be able to take out the Task Force. And they were obviously not planning to take chances - one discussion indicated they hoped to get at least five more escapees to join them before making their move. How they had gotten the Steel Fist to work with them, unfortunately, wasn't mentioned.

This, naturally, called for a meeting to determine an appropriate course of action.

Spoiler: What You Know About These Guys
Spoiler: Jarod Mottershead AKA Headbanger
Spoiler: Powers On File
Hair Manipulation: Array.

Prehensile Hair: Extra Limbs 3 (Projection), Elongation 4 (120'; Quirk [Extra Limbs Only]), Improved Grab, Fast Grab, Improved Hold.

Hair Swing: Extra Limbs 1 (Projection), Elongation 4 (500'; Quirk [Extra Limbs Only]), Movement 2 (Swinging [Full Speed]), Speed 6 (Limited [Swinging]).

Hair Control: Array.

Follicle Frenzy: Damage 6 (Multiattack) Linked Move Object 6 (Multiattack, Limited [Grabs and Disarms], Reduced Range [Close]).

Hungry Hungry Hairdo: Damage 6 (Secondary Effect, Grab-based) Linked Weaken Toughness 6 (Toughness; Progressive [Limited to While Grabbed], Grab-based).

Hairspin: Damage 6 (Burst Area, Selective).

Spoiler: Expertise (Dreamer Lore) DC 20
Jarod's powers currently only affect his own hair, but if augmented, could potentially affect the hair of others, as well as adding substantial raw power and control to his abilities.

Spoiler: Details on File
A member of a not-particularly-famous rock band, he was arrested shortly before the breakout for selling drugs to minors. His drugs were not exactly the best quality, and the prosecution considers it sheer luck that there haven't been any deaths connected to him (although there were some close-call overdoses). He himself is badly addicted to hard drugs, and he was not in prison long enough for any rehab efforts to take effect.

Spoiler: Well Informed DC 25
Since the breakout, he hasn't so much been "laying low" as "wallowing in the squalor of his own shattered life",
staying off the radar by virtue of having no home, no friends, and no prospects. He wasn't considered high priority for retrieval; it was more-or-less assumed he'd get caught in a drug bust eventually if no one took care of him sooner. Still, he does have actual talent as a musician,
and he's not particularly malicious by nature, so if he can be brought in and rehabilitated it'd be a good thing for sure.

Spoiler: Assessment DC 10
PL 9.

Spoiler: DC 15
1-point Damage, Toughness, and Fortitude shift.

Spoiler: DC 20
All stats at PL.

Spoiler: Penninah St. Martin AKA Risen
Spoiler: Powers On File
Spectral Hand: Extra Limbs 1 (Projection, Indirect 4), Elongation 5 (250'; Quirk [Extra Limb Only]).

Undead Aspect: Array.

Aspect of the Ghost: Insubstantial 4 (Overcome by Holy).

Aspect of the Zombie: Immunity 30 (Fortitude); Reduced Fortitude 10.

Aspect of the Vampire: Flight 5, Regeneration 10 (Source [Blood]).

Aspect of the Skeleton: Immunity 20 (Sharp-force Trauma; Limited [Half Effect]), Immunity 10 (Life Support).

Aspect of the Wraith: Insubstantial 2, Flight 5.

Necromancy: Array.

Reaping Claw: Damage 10 (Affects Insubstantial 2) Linked Affliction 10 (Impaired/Disabled/Paralyzed; Fortitude; Cumulative); Accurate 4.

Enervation: Weaken All Abilities 10 (Broad, Simultaneous, Accurare 4, Feature 2 [Increased Cap]).

Absorb Life: Damage 10 (Alternate Resistance [Fortitude]) Linked Weaken Fortitude 10 (Fortitude; Feature 2 [Increased Cap]) Linked Healing 10 (Restorative, Persistent, Quirk [Heal Order], Limited [Degree capped by degree of damage, Restorative capped by Fortitude drained], Limited [Self Only]); Accurate 4.

Animus: Damage 10 (Targeted Cloud Area, Secondary Effect, Accurate 4, Affects Insubstantial 2).

Command the Dead: Affliction 9 (Entranced/Compelled/Controlled; Will; Perception Range, Progressive, Limited [Undead Only]).

Spoiler: Expertise (Dreamer Lore) DC 20
Penninah's powers cover much of the classic necromancy suite, but he doesn't seem to have any ability to actually conjure undead minions that last for any period of time. If he's been augmented, this sort of ability is likely to develop.

Spoiler: Details on File
A known associate of Janis Stephens, and probably her most devoted student. Early on he struggled with the dark nature of his power, due in large part to his traumatic Awakening that resulted in the accidental death of his four-years-younger sister, followed by his parents disowning him. Janis was instrumental in helping him overcome his fear of his powers and channel his guilt constructively. It was only after her true nature was revealed that it became known that "channel his guilt constructively" meant "use his powers to murder at Janis' direction". Janis was never one to get her hands dirty with extraneous killings - if someone had to be taken out to keep her secret safe or make her abductions easier, Penninah was the one who did the job.

Spoiler: Well Informed DC 25
Penninah is nowhere over the trauma of his Awakening. Any reminder of his former family is likely to send him into an uncontrollable rage.

Spoiler: Assessment DC 18
PL 9, +15 PP.

Spoiler: DC 23
1-point Damage, Toughness, and Fortitude shift.

Spoiler: DC 28
All stats at PL.

Spoiler: Wystan Tennison
Spoiler: Powers On File
Photosynthesis: Regeneration 6; Enhanced Regeneration 4 (Source [Sunlight]), Feature 1 (Sustained by sunlight).

Phytomorphic: Immunity 2 (Critical Hits), Immunity 2 (Poison, Disease; Limited [Doesn't apply to those that could work on plants]), Morph 2 (Plants of equivalent size), Enhanced Stealth 4 (Limited [Only within lots of plantlife]).

Morphic Vines: Damage 8 (Reversible) Linked Move Object 8 (Reduced Range [Close]); Accurate 4, Extra Limbs 4, Elongation 4 (250'; Quirk [Extra Limbs Only]).

Spoiler: Expertise (Dreamer Lore) DC 20
Wystan's power is phytomorphism; the ability to turn into plants. If he's been augmented, it's possible he'd be able to use his powers on others, transforming their bodies entirely or partially into plantlife. This would offer him vastly more offensive potential than merely his ability to transform his limbs into super-strong vines to whack people with.

Spoiler: Details on File
A fifteen year old kid who has been living on his own on the streets for as long as public record has details on him - his name's definitely fake. He's had numerous run-ins with the police for things like theft and vagrancy. He only recently developed his powers, and went overboard with them last time he had been caught, attacking the police with his vines, badly injuring them (though they survived). Nonetheless, he's a minor, and up until the breakout it was SIDE's hope that by the time he got out he'd have accumulated enough money and skills from prison work and rehabilitation efforts to be able to make his way as a productive citizen.

Spoiler: Well Informed DC 35
Born Jimmy Mould, his parents were both Dreamers, but were killed by Defiant when he was seven years old.
The Defiant had jobs as police officers and used that to get close to their targets, and this experience left him with a deep mistrust of police.

Spoiler: Assessment DC 22
PL 10, +15 PP.

Spoiler: DC 27
2-point Toughness and Fortitude shift.

Spoiler: DC 32
All stats at PL.

Spoiler: Barbara and Markus Watts AKA Mantle and Core
Spoiler: Powers On File
Spoiler: Barbara
Bonded Powers: Immunity 1 (Markus' Powers), Communication Link 1 (Markus).

Elemental Speed: Speed 10.

Dreamer of Earth: Immunity 10 (All Earth Effects).

Earth Manipulation: Array,

Burrowing: Burrowing 15 (Penetrating, Limited [Earth Only]).

Stoneskin: Impervious Toughness 14, Immunity 2 (Critical Hits; Limited [Half Effect]).

Earthen Power: Regeneration 10 (Limited [Only while in contact with natural ground]), Immunity 10 (Strength-resisted effects)

Earth Control: Array.

Fist of Stone: Damage 12 Linked Affliction 12 (Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated; Fortitude; Cumulative); Accurate 5, Improved Critical 1.

Launch Boulder: Damage 12 (Ranged) Linked Affliction 12 (Dazed/Stunned; Fortitude; Ranged, Limited Degree); Accurate 5, Improved Critical 1.

Earthworks: Create 12 Linked Move Object 12 (Precise, Limited [Earth]); Accurate 5.

Magma Strike: Damage 12 (Secondary Effect, Incurable, Limited) Linked Affliction 12 (Impaired/Disabled/Incapacitated; Fortitude; Cumulative, Limited) Linked Create 12 (Impervious, Continuous, Reduced Range [Close], Limited [Entrapment Only], Limited); Accurate 5.

Magma Blast: Damage 12 (Ranged, Burst Area, Secondary Effect, Limited); Enhanced Extra 12 (Selective; Limited [Must spend a move action controlling the flow of magma]).

Magma Wave: Damage 12 (Cone Area, Secondary Effect, Limited) Linked Affliction 12 (Impaired/Disabled; Fortitude; Cone Area, Secondary Effect, Limited Degree, Limited); Enhanced Extra 12 (Extra Condition [Dazed/Stunned]; Limited [Only against Vulnerable or Defenseless targets, including those who become so simultaneously]).

Spoiler: Markus
Bonded Powers: Immunity 1 (Barbara's Powers), Communication Link 1 (Barbara).

Elemental Speed: Speed 10.

Dreamer of Flame: Immunity 10 (All Heat Effects).

Fire Manipulation: Array.

Body of Fire: Insubstantial 3.

Fiery Aura: Environment 5 (Extreme Heat, Light).

Cleansing Flames: Nullify Afflictions 15 (Broad, Simultaneous, Limited [Counters Only], Reduced Range [Close]).

Fire Control: Array.

Fiery Sword: Damage 12 (Secondary Effect) Linked Weaken Toughness 12 (Toughness; Incurable); Accurate 5.

Fiery Bolts: Damage 12 (Ranged, Multiattack, Extended Range, Accurate 5).

Fireball: Damage 12 (Ranged, Burst Area); Enhanced Extra 12 (Selective; Limited [Must spend a move action to precisely shape the blast]).

Lava Strike: Damage 12 (Multiattack, Incurable, Limited) Linked Affliction 12 (Impaired/Disabled/Incapacitated; Fortitude; Cumulative, Limited) Linked Weaken Toughness 12 (Alternate Resistance [HAD], Limited); Accurate 5.

Lava Blast: Damage 12 (Ranged, Cloud Area 2, Limited); Enhanced Extra 12 (Selective; Limited [Must spend a move action controlling the flow of magma]).

Lava Wave: Damage 12 (Cone Area, Secondary Effect, Limited) Linked Affliction 12 (Vulnerable/Defenseless; Fortitude; Cone Area, Secondary Effect, Limited Degree, Limited); Enhanced Extra 12 (Extra Condition [Dazed/Stunned]; Limited [Only against Impaired or Disabled targets, including those who become so simultaneously]).

Spoiler: Expertise (Dreamer Lore) DC 20
Barbara and Markus' most powerful offenses require them to work together, combining their terrakinesis and pyrokinesis to create volcanic effects. If they've been augmented, it's possible that they'll be able to generate these sorts of attacks by themselves.

Spoiler: Details on File
Fraternal twins, Barbara and Markus are basically the brawn to Laraine Grober's brains. They're fiercely loyal to her and protective of each other. Like their leader, they were arrested for vigilante murder.

Spoiler: Well Informed DC 25
Barbara and Markus developed their powers particularly early, before they were even two years old. This means they have had a lot of opportunity to train with them, but they're pretty wild powers and it definitely takes effort. Significant distractions could cause them to make mistakes and lose control.

Spoiler: Barbara Assessment DC 10
PL 11.

Spoiler: DC 15
1-point Damage shift. 3-point Toughness and Fortitude shift.

Spoiler: DC 20
All stats at PL.

Spoiler: Markus Assessment DC 22
PL 11.

Spoiler: DC 27
1-point Damage shift, 3-point Defense and Will shift.

Spoiler: DC 32
All stats at PL.

Spoiler: Laraine Grober
Spoiler: Powers On File
Physical Enhancement: Enhanced Strength, Stamina, Agility, Dexterity 4 (Reduced Ranged Attack 4, Permanent).

Super Parkour: Flight 5 (Platform, Quirk [Must end movement solidly supported]).

Quick Recovery: Regeneration 5 (Limited [Bruises Only]), Immunity 1 (Sleep; Limited [Half Effect]).

WARNING! As a tactical expert, Laraine can be expected to be prepared for the most obvious strategies on her opponents' parts. Any attempt to use a power that targets or exploits a weakness of Laraine or one of her allies will allow her to make an especially effective attack on her next turn, as she exploits flaws in such predictable strategies!

Spoiler: Expertise (Dreamer Lore) DC 20
Chances are augmentation would do little more for Laraine's powers than boosting her physical prowess further. However, it should be kept always in mind that she is an expert warrior and tactician, and her minor Dreamer power likely reflects the least of the threat she might present.

Spoiler: Details on File
A lethally skilled vigilante who had been operating in Verdania for decades before being captured, Laraine is a master of tactics and extremely skilled warrior to supplement her minor Dreamer power. A lone wolf in the past, as of five years ago she began working with Barbara and Markus, adding a terrifying amount of raw power to her already dangerous skillset. To be fair, a lot of dangerous Dreamers and criminals are off the streets thanks to her. Problem is very few of them were given the opportunity for due process.

Spoiler: Well Informed DC 40
Laraine was a friend of Barbara and Markus' parents. When they developed their powers so early, she immediately saw their potential for contributing to her vigilante efforts. She killed their parents, kidnapped them, and raised them to help her war on crime. The irony was lost on her. She told them that her parents were killed by a Dreamer criminal (technically true!) to ensure their loyalty to her cause. In theory, if the truth could be revealed, this could cause the twins to turn against her, but it would be almost impossible to convince them of it.

Spoiler: Assessment DC 30
PL 11, +15 PP.

Spoiler: DC 35
1-point Attack and Defense shift.

Spoiler: DC 40
All stats at PL.

Spoiler: Masuyo Preston
Spoiler: Powers On File
Gravity Master: Immunity 10 (All Gravity Effects; Limited [Half Effect]) {5}.

Gravity Manipulation: Array.

Rescind Gravity: Flight 10.

Gravity Field: Move Object 10 (Burst Area, Limited [Up and Down]).

Heavy Gravity: Environment 5 (Impede Movement 2; Continuous, Selective).

Gravity Control: Array.

Gravity Slam: Damage 10 Linked Affliction 10 (Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated; Fortitude) Linked Move Object 10 (Reduced Range [Close]); Accurate 5.

Gravity Well: Move Object 10 (Burst Area, Selective, Reduced Range [Close]).

Gravity Rend: Damage 10 (Secondary Effect) Linked Weaken Toughness 10 (Toughness); Accurate 5.

Gravity Pull: Move Object 10 (Burst Area, Limited [Only to grab and pull]); Damage 10 (Grab-based) Linked Affliction 10 (Dazed+Vulnerable/Stunned+Defenseless; Fortitude; Extra Condition, Limited Degree, Grab-based); Accurate 5.

Spoiler: Expertise (Dreamer Lore) DC 20
Masuyo's powers, if augmented, would likely give him more control over his own personal gravity field, potentially allowing him to gravitationally push physical attacks away from him with some concentration. It should also be remembered that he typically goes into battle with a heavy impact maul; if he's been able to acquire a replacement, it would likely make his attacks that much more dangerous.

Spoiler: Details on File
An elderly gentleman who typically supplements his gravity-control powers with an impact maul. An IDEA physicist with a grandfatherly demeanor, he's a kindly and good-natured fellow who might have accidentally kinda-sorta destroyed an entire city block when an experiment went a little wrong and resulted in a localized black hole. He had been appropriately remorseful for his part in the deaths of nearly a hundred people, turned himself into SIDE, and pled guilty. Why he has thrown in his lot with this band of miscreants one can only speculate. He's very well-traveled, and has spent extended time in both Peral and Dymara. He's known to have a lot of stories.

Spoiler: Well Informed DC 25
DES-SIDE psychological reports indicate that he's had terrible nightmares about his experiment gone wrong,
and in therapy can only talk about it for a few minutes before having panic attacks.

Spoiler: Assessment DC 10
PL 12, +15 PP.

Spoiler: DC 15
No tradeoffs.

Spoiler: DC 20
All stats at PL.

Spoiler: Max Victor
Spoiler: Powers On File
Cooler Than Your Average NPC: Enhanced Luck 2.

Cooler Than An NPC Has Any Right To Be: Enhanced Luck 3.

Cooler Than Your Average PC: Luck Control 2 (Negate Hero Point, Force Reroll).

Coolness By Proximity: Luck Control 1 (Grant Effect), Feature 3 (May grant an opponent beneficial GM Fiat as a Reaction; recovers a Luck Reroll upon doing so. Target may spend a Hero Point to negate his recovery while retaining the benefit, becoming immune for the rest of the scene upon doing so), Enhanced Advantages 5 (Inspire 5).

Awesome Stunt: Flight 5 (Quirk [Must end movement solidly supported]).

Awesome Combatant: Array.

Awesome Attack: Damage 10 (Perception Range, Limited [Only against targets in reach], Variable Descriptor [Objects at hand]) Linked Affliction 10 (Entranced; Will; Perception Range, Burst Area, Selective, Sense Dependent [Sight], Limited Degree 2, Limited [Must center on self]); Enhanced Extra 10 (Secondary Effect on Damage; Limited [Only if he misses his attack next round]).

Chill, Bro: Damage 10 (Alternate Resistance [Will], Sleep) Linked Affliction 10 (Entranced/Stunned/Incapacitated; Will; Cumulative, Secondary Effect, Insidious [Insight DC 20], Limited [Offensive actions only]); Accurate 5.

You're Trying Too Hard: Damage 10 (Secondary Effect, Incurable, Limited [Only against a target who used a Hero Point, Extra Effort, or All Out Attack last round]) Linked Affliction 10 (Impaired/Disabled/Transformed [Traits set to 0]; Will; Cumulative, Limited) Linked Weaken Parry and Toughness 10 (Fortitude; Limited).

You Know What Would Be Awesome?: Affliction 10 (Entranced/Compelled/Controlled; Will; Perception Area [Hearing], Selective, Cumulative, Precise, Alternate Resistance [Will to ignore Perception Area], Limited [One Command]); Enhanced Extra (Secondary Effect; Limited [Only if at least one other target of equal or greater power is at least Compelled by the effect]).

Undeniably Cool: Damage 10 (Perception Range, Limited [Target must be in reach], Limited [Only against targets who have in some way tried to mock, deny, or outdo his coolness in the last round]) Linked Affliction 10 (Impaired+Vulnerable/Disabled+Defenseless; Will; Perception Range, Limited 2) Linked Weaken Will 10 (Fortitude; Perception Range, Limited 2); Enhanced Extra (Affliction gains Secondary Effect; Limited [Only if the target is not currently suffering the conditions at time of trigger]); Feature 1 (Any actions the target fails while affected by the Affliction or Weaken from this power fail in an especially silly or humiliating way).

Spoiler: Expertise (Dreamer Lore) DC 20
Let's be honest, Max is probably at the theoretical maximum for coolness. It's unlikely that even Tara's powers could meaningfully improve him in any way. Also, if you're looking at his powers and saying to yourself, "Oh, this guy is basically the ultimate anti-PC" you would be correct. This is why I said Hyperbolic may have doomed you all. Blame him, not me.

Spoiler: Details on File
Max is, just, every DES-SIDE agent's favorite prisoner. Even with his powers suppressed he's just a totally chill guy. He knows the name of everyone working in the prison, asks after their families, and he left a really classy apology note in his cell during the breakout. He's always been a casually comforting presence to other inmates in group therapy sessions, and has had unusual success nudging the more recalcitrant ones out of their shells. It was often said that the only reasons his release wasn't expedited is because everyone would have been sad to see him go. The attorney who got him convicted retired in shame. His crime probably wasn't even all that- oh. Oh he's a sociopathic Hero killer without a conscience who is responsible for the deaths of three Heroes, two ACC members, and five SIDE Dreamers? Okay, admittedly, that's kinda bad, but still, totally stand-up guy other than that!

Spoiler: Well Informed DC 35
You have it. You managed to pull it from the depths of the internet. The picture. The picture of Max Victor as a skinny, acne-covered, stuttering high-school freshman with no fashion sense from before his power kicked in. Use this at your own peril.

Spoiler: Assessment DC 30
PL 10, +15 PP.

Spoiler: DC 35
No tradeoffs.

Spoiler: DC 40
All stats at PL.

Spoiler: Cecelia Burke AKA Chlorine
Spoiler: Powers On File
Improved Evasion: Enhanced Toughness 6 (Reduced Dodge 6; Limited [Only against Toughness-resisted Area attacks]).

Greater Evasion: Enhanced Toughness 4 (Limited [Only against Perception Range attacks]).

Gaseous Form: Insubstantial 2, Flight 5.

Obscuring Mist: Environment 2 (Impede Visibility 1; Selective, Permanent).

Fluidity: Array.

Engulf: Noxious Form gains Perception Range, Limited to Close, Secondary Effect.

Spread: Noxious Form gains Burst Area, Selective.

Cloud: Noxious Form gains Cloud Area, Secondary Effect.

Noxious Form: Array

Chlorine Gas: Damage 10 (Secondary Effect).

Poisonous Gas: Weaken Chosen Ability 10 (Fortitude; Broad).

Corrosive Gas: Weaken Chosen Defense 10 (Fortitude; Broad).

Knockout Gas: Affliction 10 (Dazed+Impaired/Stunned+Disabled/Incapacitated+Asleep; Will; Extra Condition).

Pheromone Gas: Affliction 10 (Vulnerable/Compelled/Controlled; Will; Cumulative).

Spoiler: Expertise (Dreamer Lore) DC 20
If Chlorine has been augmented, it's probably improved her fluidity and control over her form,
potentially allowing her to modify the effects of her gasses in more ways. It's also worth considering that, an augmentation to her gaseous nature may make her in some ways not just less solid, but less material. If so, her gaseous state would be far more resistant to disintegration-based attacks than it used to be.

Spoiler: Details on File
Cecilia Burke is a powerful Dreamer, and a former Hero gone rogue (the Assembly pays well, but crime still pays more). Her main ability is transforming her body (and her possessions) into gas, and not of the harmless variety: venomous gas is what got her the codename, but corrosion, weakening and even mind control are all effects within her grasp. She's also extremely adept at hiding and covering her tracks.

She and Max are known associates, and were originally arrested together.

Spoiler: Well Informed DC 35
Rumor is that Cecilia and Max, originally bitter enemies when Cecilia was a Hero, have since become lovers.
It's uncertain if Max played a role in Cecilia turning to crime.

Spoiler: Assessment DC 10
PL 12, +30 PP.

Spoiler: DC 15
4-point Defense shift.

Spoiler: DC 20
All stats at PL.