Quote Originally Posted by Zancloufer View Post
To be fair it's heavily implied that the slam is with both hands. Two handed weapon = 1.5 times strength mod on attacks. I picture it as if your almost making a two handed fist and then bringing it down on someone.

Also while I understand that negative LA is generally bad, we have 14 undead HD. 14 Undead HD. +9 NA, +10 Str and +8 Dex are nice but it has very little in the way of class features. If it was allowed to have -LA how much do you think would be reasonable? Maybe -4? Would at least let you get in 10 full levels of whatever class you want and Undead HD are so bad that even at level 10 this thing wouldn't be that powerful of a PC.
Quote Originally Posted by Mike Miller View Post
It has been brought up multiple times that negative LA isn't a thing for the purposes of this thread. The -0 rating implies the creature is worse than 0 but that determination is up to the individual DM to go beyond 0 and actually impose a negative LA.
Quote Originally Posted by dhasenan View Post
If you want to make a thread with, say, shortened savage progressions, or revised (lower HD?) versions of LA -0 creatures, that would be awesome.
In order to assign a "negative LA" and keep it balanced, you also need to determine what effect negative LA actually has for the purpose of your calculations.
Letting you run with more HD than your ECL is bad for balance, because that means epic feats early - and can screw up skill point prereqs.
Subtracting actual RHD makes the feats awkward - now you need to either decide which to drop or which are so essential to the creature that they should now be bonus feats.
Alternatively - and this is what I'd favor - would be that ECL=RHD, and the negative LA gives you however many levels of RHD gestalted with class levels. However, then you need to decide what, if any, restrictions go on those gestalted class levels.

However, this should probably be done in its own thread, as Inevitability isn't doing it here.