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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper VIII: Whale-ever

    Got a new phone (in part because I was sick of ffrking on my computer, in part because my old flip phone wasn't receiving texts properly), and broke it in with a blm draw.

    rinoa's magic overstrike, emperor's wind bsb (!), vivi's fire bsb, and Krile's Sheepsong (Like Ramza's shout, for magic!!!!!!).

    ...I think my mage viability just jumped, guys.

    Edit: Krile and Exdeath keep fighting for my V team mage spot. Exdeath has the Runic and access to protega/shellga (or full on healing support if needed), with Power of the Void for damage, and aoe magic up med and res up small. Krile has Sheepsong for Magic up Med, Haste, and major regen, and Tomorrow's promise for En-fire fire damage BSB.

    They just keep trying to fight each other for that spot.

    ...Sheepsong and Power of the Void don't stack their Magic up for the party, right? That'd be silly, right? Cause if they do, um, I think my mage viability just jumped, guys.
    Last edited by huttj509; 2017-06-01 at 02:55 PM.