Quote Originally Posted by Triaxx View Post
It's not necessarily that the Railroad are good, as much as they're less evil. They want to help, whether or not they're doing it the right way is less sure.

The Institute on the other hand has ostensibly written off the surface, and yet, they continue to kidnap and replace people with Synth's, causing the population to continue to hate and fear them and ultimately leading to their own demise.

The thing about Broken Mask and Coursers, is that the Commonwealth has no examples of good Synth's, outside of Nick. So they are rightfully wary of what they perceive to be the monsters in the dark. Add in University Point, and you have an absolute case for fear.

The Institute bill themselves as Humanities last, best hope, but only the parts of humanity that serve their interests. Add in the fact that they kept releasing Super Mutants into the wild long after learning they couldn't not make them.
I've said this before: The big problem with the institute is that they have on coherent plan. Their goals and methods change with every new Director. If they had one, clear mission statement, and every Director worked toward that one goal, they would be more of a force to be reckoned with. But, instead, they flop around like a fish out of water, for the most part. Sure, they have synths operating on the surface, and they still replace people from time to time, but that seems to be more of a "gathering resources and information" play than anything else. Mayor Quimby is a Synth, and his sole purpose for existance seems to be to control the flow of information in Diamond City (Piper) and report anything of note back to the institute. And not much else.