Quote Originally Posted by Triaxx View Post
So... Kill it with Nuclear Fire before it lays eggs?
Which brings up the weird point that the Brotherhood knows atomic weapons destroyed ALL of civizilation but use them anyway? Yeah, nice safekeeping of technology there, Maxson.

And the only reason FEV was shut down is because Virgil destroyed the place. His notes clearly have him explain they were continuing long past the point they'd learned it was a dead end.
Did he destroy any material so that continuing FEV experiments was unfeasible? Or did Shaun shut down the research for good?

Quote Originally Posted by Mando Knight View Post
Elder Maxson basically says as much when you first arrive on the Prydwen. The Institute is basically just another remnant of the horrifyingly unethical Pre-War scientific community (see also: Vault-Tec, West Tek, and Big MT, all responsible for creating abominations "for SCIENCE!"). The Brotherhood response isn't perfect either (it's rather unflinchingly dogmatic, which leads to the conflict with the Railroad as well as the rest of the Commonwealth's fear that they might be next), but their assessment of the problem is mostly correct.
Yeah, still the player character is or can be the scope of sanity in this twisted dilemma. Or could've been since siding with the Institute is basically the Genocide ending of Fallout 4.