Somewhere around a third of a mile away, Agent Hayseed and her spotter (a quiet, serious young man by the name of Pen Burton) were set up on the roof of a ten-story hotel, just them and their sniper rifles. A lovely double date. Through their sniper scopes, they had a fine view of the two guards on the roof and the two guarding the door as they started looking...woozy. One of each pair managed to stay steady, but the other two buckled over as...well, let's just say, it was probably for the best that a sniper scope's field of view was so narrow, and easily moved.

Pushing the limits of his power, Wraith led Avery into the service entry, through the kitchen, and into the living room. Wystan was in the kitchen as they passed, scavenging around for food. He didn't notice either door opening and closing. Core, Mantle, and two of the cyborgs were in the living room, the geothermal twins sitting at the table with a bowl of popcorn between them, watching a show on the television. One of the cyborgs was sitting on a kinda ratty couch doing likewise, while the last was sitting at a desk in the corner, writing something. Hopefully it wasn't important information, since she was presently busy spewing all manner of appetizingly-colored fluids all over it. Core, Mantle, and the other cyborg all stood up when that happened - although Core swayed and steadied himself on the table, looking a bit green, as they did - their eyes going to the stricken mercenary. And affording Wraith and Avery the perfect distraction.

Meanwhile, Kate, Prophet, Kenta, and two power-armored SIDE agents that Aidan had called in as tactical support for the assault appeared in the main room. Max and Headbanger were both there, hanging out and strumming on guitars with Chlorine and one of the cyborgs listening. It was pretty clear that Max was the better performer, but he was letting Headbanger take the lead anyway, because he was the one who had done it for a living after all. Another mercenary was also in the room, inventorying some supplies. Masuyo Preston and his hammer were in the corner between the front door and the living room door, leaning against the wall and watching the performance aloofly. He was sweating a bit though, and Max was looking a bit pale. When the heroes appeared, it didn't take long for him to put two and two together. "Ugh. Poison? Not cool, guys," he guttered out.

All PCs are on turn.