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    Ettin in the Playground
    Lord Torath's Avatar

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    Aug 2011
    Sharangar's Revenge

    Default Re: Order of the Stick Trivia (Edge of) XVII: Just like the Blackwing dove...

    Eugene and Violet.

    Find me three different species of flying mounts.

    (Man, there are a lot of kinds of animals being ridden in this strip! There are four different kinds of riding beasts in one panel!)
    Last edited by Lord Torath; 2017-06-16 at 10:33 AM.
    Warhammer 40,000 Campaign Skirmish Game: Warpstrike
    My Spelljammer stuff (including an orbit tracker), 2E AD&D spreadsheet, and Vault of the Drow maps are available in my Dropbox. Feel free to use or not use it as you see fit!
    Thri-Kreen Ranger/Psionicist by me, based off of Rich's A Monster for Every Season