Quote Originally Posted by Nova_Eclipse View Post
[Massimo Safehouse]

The cloaked person pauses as Tier says the person responsible for the hole in the roof just walked away. They blink for a moment and stagger, as though someone's just hit them.

"He....walked away? Just...like that, walked away?" They seem dumbfounded for a moment more, before gathering their wits, then shake their head. "Sorry, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just...that's not how he usually acts. At all. Normally, he either eats or blows up whatever's standing between him and what he wants. You two are lucky to be alive." They look to the old man apologetically. "I'm sorry, I can't fix your ceiling. My areas of expertise don't really extend to construction work, and the only person I know who can do stone work can't make moveable things. But, I can tell you about the person who broke it, and your friend here has just given me a piece of intelligence I will gladly pay for. Anything else you can tell me about your encounter with him? I will make it worth your while." They reach into a hidden pouch under the cloak, and produce a large, perfectly spherical sapphire, one hued to look something like an eye. The gem is slightly larger than a man's fist; easily worth more than it will cost to fix the safehouse's roof and the landscape above it. "What he said, what he did, anything?"
The man mumbles to Tier, "Do you think it's a good idea to show him the surveillance tapes? Should we request more?"