Quote Originally Posted by Murkus View Post
[Isle Center]

Though it seems he still got a bit of use from it, the King isn't able to continue with his scream into lethal decibels. As it's trembling pitch mounts, he's slapped across the face with a flying tree, and all sound from him abruptly ceases. It shatters to splinters, dealing little damage, but severely arousing his ire. His teeth clack as he turns to look at the direction it originated from, moving quickly, and his lack of attention gives Anchor the opening she needs.

The spear strikes deep, unnaturally so, and the King shrieks his anguish. The titan, now concerned only with ending the source of his pain, brings up his fists and tries to bring them down directly on top of Anchor. Crushing her into the ground if he can. The pommels of his two weapons will cut the flesh and snap bone if they find purchase, even without accounting for the apocalyptic physical might of the King.

Regardless of whether Anchor ends up underneath them or not, the earth around them shudders, craters and cracks with the impact.
Quote Originally Posted by Recaiden View Post
"Easy there, Beastbreaker. We want the same thing, but we can't be too hasty." Anchor pets the spear a few times, along the grain of the wood. Then she strides forward towards the monster, through the debris, picking up a bit of speed with each step.

If the cry were dangerous for its contents, she could drown it with another song. But the King's screech is dangerous for its magnitude, and that, she will just have to endure. She does not flee at the initial almost-human roar. It's just noise. She does not flee as it twists into a monstrous scavenger shriek. Anchor has been known to eat the land's stoutest soldiers for breakfast (although a whole host at once would be rather gluttonous) and is tougher by far. She does not flee even if it grows so vast that all sound ceases and Lammergeir's voice becomes a noiseless stabbing pressure drawing blood to run down into her hair.

She weaves with the spear under a branch, steps up onto a fallen tree, and lunges, thrusting Beastbreaker up towards a pitted pock of rust in the beast's armor. At this point it doesn't have to drag her along. They are both here for a fight, both here to stab through that armor and tear at the monster within it.
Quote Originally Posted by UncleWolf View Post
If The Empress realizes that someone is talking to her, she doesn't seem to notice as she slips beneath the waters to head towards a different shore. As badly wounded as she was, she needed to concentrate on literally holding herself together through force of will so she could recover elsewhere.

Anchor will feel that Beastbreaker is...heavy. However, despite its heft, the weapon will feel right. It doesn't seem unwieldy despite its construction and there seems to be a subtle force trying to tug it from her hands towards King Lammergeir's body. The spear seemed utterly bloodthirsty and if she isn't careful, it might drag her along into the fight it sought.

[Isle Center]

When the sound dropps the nameless man also will dropp the shield protecting him. He didn't see where the tree came from. Must be someone who assists the spearholder. He notice her charge and looks at his friend.
"Hey guy. Could you please help that person with the spear? Pretty please?" With a *miep* and a smile Carbuncle disapears.

The same moment Carbuncle reapears on Anchor's shoulder, thought Carbuncle is now mice sized. The moment the King strikes back Carbuncle will create a shield around Anchor, that should take a hugh amount of the attacks force. So there should be no bone breaking.