Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Demonking View Post
Her normal job is not to chose what part of the ship necessary for running it not to fix. The panel after her rant does show Bandi giving the orders she should have gave before, but it also show Andi trying not to hit Bandi with a wrench (the panel after that is her failing. After that regreting. After that assesing. After that captaining).
She's the head engineer. Her normal job includes making some executive decisions about engineering, just like the pilot's job includes not hitting mountains even when he's not being told to.

"Under the circumstances? More or less value neutral. "

Good that's part of a big difference of opinion. So what part of the circumstances made Bandanas's verbal assault that lead to her getting auto-wrenched value neutral?
That Andi literally insulted her just before that, calling Bandana not a real captain because Andi's job isn't getting done? Seems pretty yell worthy, especially when Andi's been doing this kinda thing for awhile.