Quote Originally Posted by hamishspence View Post
I'm saying that the moment Bandana said "We are not turning around" in strip 1055 - and focused away from Andi to give more orders (with Andi starting a conversation with the other crew "This is insane"),
Two posts ago you said "She should not have left off repair in the first place." would you acknowledge that what you saying now and what you are saying two posts ago are not the same thing?

Are you therefore not holding Andi to far higher standards of perfect actions than you hold yourself to, despite the fact that frost giants are not going to kill you (which makes anyone think imperfectly)?

was the moment when Andi should have returned to work. Instead, she went across the deck - again - to complain about what the Order were doing.
Does that justify Bandi's screaming?
Every moment Andi has not gone back to repair, from strip 1055 to 1062, is proof of Andi's negligence.
And that justifies Bandi's screaming? However, why is it Andi's job to realise when Bandfi wants to stop speaking and chosing to go below deck, rather than Bandi's job to recognise that she wants to stop speak to Andi and to tell her to go below deck?